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Examining Presidential Pardons In US

Trumps Abschiebepläne lösen Demo-Welle in USA aus | #ntv

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2025-02-05 01:01 1,333 Youtube

Aussprache zum Bericht des Generalsekretärs beim CDU-Parteitag am 03.02.25

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2025-02-04 02:43 4,416 Youtube

Gender-Gaga, Trump und Asylkriminalität | Dütsch. Dütlich. DETTLING!

Upload : 5 days ago...

2025-02-01 00:28 1,895 Youtube

In the Wake of the Hunter Biden Presidential Pardon, Here Are Some Of The Most Controversial Presidential Pardons

In his final days in the White House, Joe Biden has now begun his spate of Presidential pardons, starting with his son, Hunter. However, Biden isn’t the only ...

2024-12-02 01:32 4,133 Dailymotion

Top 10 Most Controversial Pardons in US History

Just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should. From pardoning a brother, to pardoning a hardened criminal, to pardoning a political donor, these presid...

2021-10-14 08:24 2 Dailymotion

Turkeys party in luxury DC hotel before presidential pardon

These two turkeys are living a better life than all of us. The Minnesota-raised turkeys are set to be pardoned by President Donald Trump on Tuesday, but before ...

2017-11-21 00:33 4 Dailymotion

US Presidential race in final lap

As the race for the White house enters the final lap. Both President Barack Obama and republican challenger Mitt Romney make the final push to woo voters. Both ...

2012-11-05 02:08 12 Dailymotion